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They did the mash! No, not a monster mash…a holiday mash-up! Since Easter was kind of a bust in 2020 and a spooky egg hunt is a great trick-or-treating alternative, we’re taking the best of both holidays and throwing them together for a HallowEaster brunch and egg hunt!

Bunnicula was the driving inspiration behind this party—what better to bring these two holidays together than a vampire bunny? Our donut board features little vampire bunnies with plastic vampire teeth, and the paper plate bunny backdrop made of leftover Easter plates was perfect because they already came with orange bow ties—all they needed were little hand-drawn vampire teeth—find a closeup below!

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Another item snagged from the Easter box, this little ceramic bunny may have more sinister intentions later in the year, so we locked him up, but he is still stashing his orange eggs! He is guarding over the DEVILed eggs (ha) featuring DIY toothpick pitchforks!

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Orange juice is the drink of choice at this Halloweaster brunch. It completes the look of these pumpkin-face glass milk bottles! I bought the face sticker decals at Target a few years back but the same could be achieved with vinyl and a cutting machine!

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Every brunch needs a fruit platter, so we went with the classic clementine pumpkins and ghost bananas.

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For the main event, we are having a glow-in-the-dark egg hunt! I put up all the tombstones in the backyard and when the sun goes down, we’ll grab our treat pails and search for the glowing skeleton eggs!

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Happy HallowEaster! Are you trick-or-treating this year or doing an alternate activity? Let me know in the comments and tag me in your own HallowEaster re-creations!

CATS Musical Movie Night

CATS Musical Movie Night